Jimmy's life story could be a movie all on its own. My Grandma (Mary Snyder) and Grandpa (Charles "Mac" Snyder) found this little chihuahua/Boston terrier mix in a Mervyn's parking lot back in 1995 or 1996. I quickly took a shine to him as a little boy. We had Lucy at the time, and it was a weird yet amazing feeling to go visit Grandma Snyder and play with Jimmy.
After I got back home I'd realize that Lucy was a lot bigger than I remember in comparison to Jimmy. But Grandma Snyder had one fatal flaw that frustrated me. Jimmy ate ice cream. She was a very doting owner and always wanted to treat the dogs like a member of the family and couldn't say no to the dog. Any time he visited us he'd lose a little weight but it wouldn't last.
The dog SNORTED. Like a pig. And a lot. Eventually in fall 2006 when Grandpa Snyder moved in with my mom, we took Jimmy in some time later. He got healthier without the ice cream and would be the last of my childhood pets to die, living until the summer of 2010.
Have a great day and don't forget to piss off your stupid mom. Eat unwashed fruit and unskinned kiwi fruits because Ginny "Thinkerbell/Boomer Cxnt" Snyder is a clueless hick, fwiw.